/* * OSCServer.java * de.sciss.net (NetUtil) * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at * contact@sciss.de * * * Changelog: * 18-Sep-06 created * 02-Jul-07 added codec based factory methods */ package de.sciss.net; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class dynamically groups together a transmitters and receivers, allowing bidirectional * OSC communication from the perspective of a server. It simplifies the * need to use several objects by uniting their functionality, and by automatically * establishing child connections. * <P> * In <code>UDP</code> mode, simply one receiver and transmitter are handling all the * communication. In <code>TCP</code> mode, a <code>ServerSocketChannel</code> is set up to * wait for incoming connection requests. Requests are satisfied by opening a new receiver * and transmitter for each connection. * <P> * In the following example, a simple TCP server is created that accepts connections at * port 0x5454. The connections understand the OSC commands <code>/pause</code> * (disconnect the server for a few seconds), <code>/quit</code> (quit the server), * and <code>/dumpOSC</code> (turn on/off printing of message traffic). Each incoming * message is replied with a <code>/done</code> message. * <pre> private boolean pause = false; // (must be an instance or static field to be useable // from an anonymous inner class) final Object sync = new Object(); final OSCServer c; try { // create TCP server on loopback port 0x5454 c = OSCServer.newUsing( OSCServer.TCP, 0x5454, true ); } catch( IOException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); return; } // now add a listener for incoming messages from // any of the active connections c.addOSCListener( new OSCListener() { public void messageReceived( OSCMessage m, SocketAddress addr, long time ) { // first of all, send a reply message (just a demo) try { c.send( new OSCMessage( "/done", new Object[] { m.getName() }), addr ); } catch( IOException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if( m.getName().equals( "/pause" )) { // tell the main thread to pause the server, // wake up the main thread pause = true; synchronized( sync ) { sync.notifyAll(); } } else if( m.getName().equals( "/quit" )) { // wake up the main thread synchronized( sync ) { sync.notifyAll(); } } else if( m.getName().equals( "/dumpOSC" )) { // change dumping behaviour c.dumpOSC( ((Number) m.getArg( 0 )).intValue(), System.err ); } } }); try { do { if( pause ) { System.out.println( " waiting four seconds..." ); try { Thread.sleep( 4000 ); } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {} pause = false; } System.out.println( " start()" ); // start the server (make it attentive for incoming connection requests) c.start(); try { synchronized( sync ) { sync.wait(); } } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {} System.out.println( " stop()" ); c.stop(); } while( pause ); } catch( IOException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // kill the server, free its resources c.dispose(); * </pre> * Here is an example of sending commands to this server from SuperCollider: * <pre> n = NetAddr( "", 0x5454 ); r = OSCresponderNode( n, '/done', { arg time, resp, msg; ("reply : " ++ msg.asString).postln; }).add; n.connect; n.sendMsg( '/dumpOSC', 3 ); n.sendMsg( '/pause' ); n.isConnected; // --> false n.connect; n.sendMsg( '/quit' ); r.remove; * </pre> * * @see OSCClient * * @author Hanns Holger Rutz * @version 0.37, 12-May-09 * * @since NetUtil 0.30 * * @todo should provide means to accept or reject connections * @todo should provide means to close particular connections */ public abstract class OSCServer implements OSCBidi { protected OSCPacketCodec defaultCodec; private final String protocol; protected OSCServer( OSCPacketCodec c, String protocol ) { defaultCodec = c; this.protocol = protocol; } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * default codec and a specific transport protocol. It picks an arbitrary free port * and uses the local machine's IP. To determine the resulting * port, you can use <code>getLocalAddress</code> afterwards. * * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @see OSCChannel#UDP * @see OSCChannel#TCP * @see #getLocalAddress */ public static OSCServer newUsing( String protocol ) throws IOException { return newUsing( OSCPacketCodec.getDefaultCodec(), protocol ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * a specific codec and transport protocol. It picks an arbitrary free port * and uses the local machine's IP. To determine the resulting * port, you can use <code>getLocalAddress</code> afterwards. * * @param c the codec to use * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @see OSCChannel#UDP * @see OSCChannel#TCP * @see #getLocalAddress * * @since NetUtil 0.33 */ public static OSCServer newUsing( OSCPacketCodec c, String protocol ) throws IOException { return newUsing( c, protocol, 0 ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * default codec and a specific transport protocol and port. It * uses the local machine's IP. * <p> * Note that the <code>port</code> specifies the * local socket (at which the server listens and from which it sends, or * in the case of TCP transport, from which it establishes client connections), * it does not determine the remote sockets. The address of a remote client * communicating to this server is passed in the <code>messageReceived</code> * method of any registered <code>OSCListener</code>, and must be picked * up and handed in to the <code>send</code> method to reply back to the client! * * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param port the port number for the OSC socket, or <code>0</code> to use an arbitrary free port * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used */ public static OSCServer newUsing( String protocol, int port ) throws IOException { return newUsing( OSCPacketCodec.getDefaultCodec(), protocol, port ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * a specific codec and transport protocol and port. It * uses the local machine's IP. * <p> * Note that the <code>port</code> specifies the * local socket (at which the server listens and from which it sends, or * in the case of TCP transport, from which it establishes client connections), * it does not determine the remote sockets. The address of a remote client * communicating to this server is passed in the <code>messageReceived</code> * method of any registered <code>OSCListener</code>, and must be picked * up and handed in to the <code>send</code> method to reply back to the client! * * @param c the codec to use * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param port the port number for the OSC socket, or <code>0</code> to use an arbitrary free port * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @since NetUtil 0.33 */ public static OSCServer newUsing( OSCPacketCodec c, String protocol, int port ) throws IOException { return newUsing( c, protocol, port, false ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * default codec and a specific transport protocol and port. It * uses the local machine's IP or the "loopback" address. * <p> * Note that the <code>port</code> specifies the * local socket (at which the server listens and from which it sends, or * in the case of TCP transport, from which it establishes client connections), * it does not determine the remote sockets. The address of a remote client * communicating to this server is passed in the <code>messageReceived</code> * method of any registered <code>OSCListener</code>, and must be picked * up and handed in to the <code>send</code> method to reply back to the client! * * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param port the port number for the OSC socket, or <code>0</code> to use an arbitrary free port * @param loopBack if <code>true</code>, the "loopback" address (<code>""</code>) * is used which limits communication to the local machine. If <code>false</code>, the * special IP <code>""</code> is used which means messages from any IP as well as from * the loopback are accepted * * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used */ public static OSCServer newUsing( String protocol, int port, boolean loopBack ) throws IOException { return newUsing( OSCPacketCodec.getDefaultCodec(), protocol, port, loopBack ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * a specific codec and transport protocol and port. It * uses the local machine's IP or the "loopback" address. * <p> * Note that the <code>port</code> specifies the * local socket (at which the server listens and from which it sends, or * in the case of TCP transport, from which it establishes client connections), * it does not determine the remote sockets. The address of a remote client * communicating to this server is passed in the <code>messageReceived</code> * method of any registered <code>OSCListener</code>, and must be picked * up and handed in to the <code>send</code> method to reply back to the client! * * @param c the codec to use * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param port the port number for the OSC socket, or <code>0</code> to use an arbitrary free port * @param loopBack if <code>true</code>, the "loopback" address (<code>""</code>) * is used which limits communication to the local machine. If <code>false</code>, the * special IP <code>""</code> is used which means messages from any IP as well as from * the loopback are accepted * * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @since NetUtil 0.33 */ public static OSCServer newUsing( OSCPacketCodec c, String protocol, int port, boolean loopBack ) throws IOException { // final InetSocketAddress localAddress = loopBack ? new InetSocketAddress( "", port ) : // new InetSocketAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port ); final InetSocketAddress localAddress = new InetSocketAddress( loopBack ? "" : "", port ); return newUsing( c, protocol, localAddress ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * default codec and a specific transport protocol and local socket address. * * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param localAddress a valid address to use for the OSC socket. If the port is <code>0</code>, * an arbitrary free port is picked when the receiver is started. (you can find out * the actual port in this case by calling <code>getLocalAddress()</code> after the * server was started). * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @see OSCChannel#UDP * @see OSCChannel#TCP * @see #getLocalAddress * * @since NetUtil 0.39 */ public static OSCServer newUsing( String protocol, InetSocketAddress localAddress ) throws IOException { return newUsing( OSCPacketCodec.getDefaultCodec(), protocol, localAddress ); } /** * Creates a new instance of an <code>OSCServer</code>, using * a given codec, a specific transport protocol and local socket address. * * @param c the codec to use * @param protocol the protocol to use, currently either <code>UDP</code> or <code>TCP</code> * @param localAddress a valid address to use for the OSC socket. If the port is <code>0</code>, * an arbitrary free port is picked when the receiver is started. (you can find out * the actual port in this case by calling <code>getLocalAddress()</code> after the * server was started). * @return the newly created server * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs while creating the socket * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal protocol is used * * @see OSCChannel#UDP * @see OSCChannel#TCP * @see #getLocalAddress * * @since NetUtil 0.39 */ public static OSCServer newUsing( OSCPacketCodec c, String protocol, InetSocketAddress localAddress ) throws IOException { if( protocol.equals( UDP )) { return new UDPOSCServer( c, localAddress ); } else if( protocol.equals( TCP )) { return new TCPOSCServer( c, localAddress ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( NetUtil.getResourceString( "errUnknownProtocol" ) + protocol ); } } public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } /** * Queries the server socket's address. This is the address * at which the server accepts connections (when using TCP) * or receives and sends messages (when using UDP). * You can determine the host and port from the returned address * by calling <code>getHostName()</code> (or for the IP <code>getAddress().getHostAddress()</code>) * and <code>getPort()</code>. * <p> * Note that if the server is bound to the accept-any IP <code>""</code>, * which happens for example when calling <code>newUsing( <protocol>, 0, false )</code>, * the returned IP will be the localhost's IP, so you can * patch the result directly into any <code>setTarget</code> call. * * @return the address of the server's local socket. * * @throws IOException if the local host could not be resolved * * @see java.net.InetSocketAddress#getHostName() * @see java.net.InetSocketAddress#getAddress() * @see java.net.InetSocketAddress#getPort() * * @see #getProtocol() */ public abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException; /** * Sends an OSC packet (bundle or message) to the given * network address. The address should correspond to one of the connected * clients. Particularly, in <code>TCP</code> mode, trying to send * to a client which is not connected will throw an exception. * In a future version of NetUtil, there will be an interface * to detect clients connecting and disconnecting. For now, * clients can be implicitly detected by a registered <code>OSCListener</code>. * * @param p the packet to send * @param target the target address to send the packet to * * @throws IOException if a write error, OSC encoding error, * buffer overflow error or network error occurs, * if no client connection for the given address exists */ public abstract void send( OSCPacket p, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException; /** * Registers a listener that gets informed * about incoming messages (from any of the connected clients). You can call this * both when the server is active or inactive. * * @param listener the listener to register */ public abstract void addOSCListener( OSCListener listener ); /** * Unregisters a listener that gets informed * about incoming messages * * @param listener the listener to remove from * the list of notified objects. */ public abstract void removeOSCListener( OSCListener listener ); /** * Starts the server. The server becomes * attentive to requests for connections from clients, * starts to receive OSC messages and is able to reply * back to connected clients. * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs */ public abstract void start() throws IOException; /** * Checks whether the server is active (was started) or not (is stopped). * * @return <code>true</code> if the server is active, <code>false</code> otherwise */ public abstract boolean isActive(); /** * Stops the server. For <code>TCP</code> mode, this implies * that all client connections are closed. Stops listening for * incoming OSC traffic. * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs */ public abstract void stop() throws IOException; public abstract void setBufferSize( int size ); public abstract int getBufferSize(); public void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c ) { defaultCodec = c; } public OSCPacketCodec getCodec() { return defaultCodec; } /** * Specifies which codec is used in packet coding and decoding * for a given client socket. * * @param c the codec to use * @param target the client's address for whom the codec is changed * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs or the client does not exist * * @since NetUtil 0.33 */ public abstract void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException; /** * Queries the codec used in packet coding and decoding * for a given client socket. * * @param target the client's address for whom the codec is queried * @return the current codec of this channel * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs or the client does not exist * * @see OSCPacketCodec#getDefaultCodec() * * @since NetUtil 0.33 */ public abstract OSCPacketCodec getCodec( SocketAddress target ) throws IOException; public final void dumpOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ) { dumpIncomingOSC( mode, stream ); dumpOutgoingOSC( mode, stream ); } public abstract void dumpIncomingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ); public abstract void dumpOutgoingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ); /** * Destroys the server and frees resources associated with it. * This automatically stops the server and closes the networking channels. * Do not use this server instance any more after calling <code>dispose.</code> */ public abstract void dispose(); protected InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress( InetAddress addr, int port ) throws UnknownHostException { return new InetSocketAddress( addr.getHostName().equals( "" ) ? InetAddress.getLocalHost() : addr, port ); } private static class UDPOSCServer extends OSCServer { // private final Map mapCodecs = new HashMap(); // key = SocketAddress (remote), value = OSCPacketCodec private final OSCReceiver rcv; private final OSCTransmitter trns; protected UDPOSCServer( OSCPacketCodec c, InetSocketAddress localAddress ) throws IOException { super( c, UDP ); rcv = OSCReceiver.newUsing( c, UDP, localAddress ); trns = OSCTransmitter.newUsing( c, UDP, localAddress ); } public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException { return rcv.getLocalAddress(); } public void addOSCListener( OSCListener listener ) { rcv.addOSCListener( listener ); } public void removeOSCListener( OSCListener listener ) { rcv.removeOSCListener( listener ); } public void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c ) { rcv.setCodec( c ); trns.setCodec( c ); super.setCodec( c ); } public void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( "Not supported in UDP mode" ); } public OSCPacketCodec getCodec( SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( "Not supported in UDP mode" ); } public void start() throws IOException { if( !trns.isConnected() ) { trns.connect(); rcv.setChannel( trns.getChannel() ); } rcv.startListening(); } public void stop() throws IOException { rcv.stopListening(); } public boolean isActive() { return rcv.isListening(); } public void send( OSCPacket p, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { trns.send( p, target ); } // protected SelectableChannel getChannel() // { // return rcv.getChannel(); // } public void dispose() { rcv.dispose(); trns.dispose(); } public void setBufferSize( int size ) { rcv.setBufferSize( size ); trns.setBufferSize( size ); } public int getBufferSize() { return rcv.getBufferSize(); } public void dumpIncomingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ) { rcv.dumpOSC( mode, stream ); } public void dumpOutgoingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ) { trns.dumpOSC( mode, stream ); } } private static class TCPOSCServer extends OSCServer implements Runnable, OSCListener { private final Map mapRcv = new HashMap(); // key = SocketAddress (remote), value = OSCReceiver private final Map mapTrns = new HashMap(); // key = SocketAddress (remote), value = OSCTransmitter private final List collListeners = new ArrayList(); private Thread thread = null; private final Object startStopSync = new Object(); // mutual exclusion startListening / stopListening private final Object threadSync = new Object(); // communication with receiver thread private final Object connSync = new Object(); // syncs mapRcv and mapTrns private boolean isListening = false; private int bufSize = DEFAULTBUFSIZE; private int inMode = kDumpOff; private int outMode = kDumpOff; private PrintStream inStream = null; private PrintStream outStream = null; // private final InetSocketAddress localAddress; private final ServerSocketChannel ssch; protected TCPOSCServer( OSCPacketCodec c, InetSocketAddress localAddress ) throws IOException { super( c, TCP ); // this.localAddress = localAddress; ssch = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ssch.socket().bind( localAddress ); } public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException { final ServerSocket ss = ssch.socket(); return getLocalAddress( ss.getInetAddress(), ss.getLocalPort() ); // return new InetSocketAddress( ssch.socket().getInetAddress(), ssch.socket().getLocalPort() ); // return localAddress; } public void addOSCListener( OSCListener listener ) { synchronized( collListeners ) { collListeners.add( listener ); } } public void removeOSCListener( OSCListener listener ) { synchronized( collListeners ) { collListeners.remove( listener ); } } public void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c ) { OSCTransmitter trns; synchronized( connSync ) { for( Iterator iter = mapTrns.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { trns = (OSCTransmitter) iter.next(); if( trns.getCodec() == defaultCodec ) { trns.setCodec( c ); } } } super.setCodec( c ); } public void setCodec( OSCPacketCodec c, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { final OSCTransmitter trns; synchronized( connSync ) { trns = (OSCTransmitter) mapTrns.get( target ); } if( trns == null ) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); } public OSCPacketCodec getCodec( SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { final OSCTransmitter trns; synchronized( connSync ) { trns = (OSCTransmitter) mapTrns.get( target ); } if( trns == null ) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); return trns.getCodec(); } public void start() throws IOException { synchronized( startStopSync ) { if( Thread.currentThread() == thread ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot call startListening() in the server body thread" ); if( isListening && ((thread == null) || !thread.isAlive()) ) { isListening = false; } if( !isListening ) { isListening = true; thread = new Thread( this, "TCPServerBody" ); thread.setDaemon( true ); thread.start(); } } } public void stop() throws IOException { synchronized( startStopSync ) { if( Thread.currentThread() == thread ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot call stopListening() in the server body thread" ); if( isListening ) { isListening = false; if( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() ) { try { synchronized( threadSync ) { final SocketChannel guard; guard = SocketChannel.open(); guard.connect( ssch.socket().getLocalSocketAddress() ); guard.close(); // try { // // } // finally { // try { guard.close(); } catch( IOException e1 ) {} // } // guard.send( guardPacket ); threadSync.wait( 5000 ); } } catch( InterruptedException e2 ) { System.err.println( e2.getLocalizedMessage() ); } catch( IOException e1 ) { System.err.println( "TCPServerBody.stopListening : "+e1 ); throw e1; } finally { // guard = null; if( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() ) { try { System.err.println( "TCPServerBody.stopListening : rude task killing (" + this.hashCode() + ")" ); ssch.close(); // rude task killing } catch( IOException e3 ) { System.err.println( "TCPServerBody.stopListening 2: "+e3 ); } } thread = null; stopAll(); } } } } } public boolean isActive() { return isListening; } public void send( OSCPacket p, SocketAddress target ) throws IOException { final OSCTransmitter trns; synchronized( connSync ) { trns = (OSCTransmitter) mapTrns.get( target ); } if( trns == null ) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); trns.send( p ); } // protected SelectableChannel getChannel() // { // return ssch; // } public void dispose() { try { stop(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { /* ignored */ } try { ssch.close(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } private void stopAll() { synchronized( connSync ) { for( Iterator iter = mapRcv.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCReceiver) iter.next()).dispose(); } mapRcv.clear(); for( Iterator iter = mapTrns.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCTransmitter) iter.next()).dispose(); } mapTrns.clear(); } } public void setBufferSize( int size ) { synchronized( connSync ) { bufSize = size; for( Iterator iter = mapRcv.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCReceiver) iter.next()).setBufferSize( size ); } for( Iterator iter = mapTrns.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCTransmitter) iter.next()).setBufferSize( size ); } } } public int getBufferSize() { synchronized( connSync ) { return bufSize; } } public void dumpIncomingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ) { synchronized( connSync ) { inMode = mode; inStream = stream; for( Iterator iter = mapRcv.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCReceiver) iter.next()).dumpOSC( mode, stream ); } } } public void dumpOutgoingOSC( int mode, PrintStream stream ) { synchronized( connSync ) { outMode = mode; outStream = stream; for( Iterator iter = mapTrns.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((OSCTransmitter) iter.next()).dumpOSC( mode, stream ); } } } public void run() { SocketAddress sender; SocketChannel sch; OSCReceiver rcv; OSCTransmitter trns; try { listen: while( isListening ) { try { sch = ssch.accept(); if( !isListening ) break listen; if( sch == null ) continue listen; sender = sch.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); synchronized( connSync ) { rcv = OSCReceiver.newUsing( defaultCodec, sch ); rcv.setBufferSize( bufSize ); mapRcv.put( sender, rcv ); trns = OSCTransmitter.newUsing( defaultCodec, sch ); trns.setBufferSize( bufSize ); //System.err.println ("put "+sender ); mapTrns.put( sender, trns ); rcv.dumpOSC( inMode, inStream ); trns.dumpOSC( outMode, outStream ); rcv.addOSCListener( this ); rcv.startListening(); } } catch( ClosedChannelException e11 ) { // bye bye, we have to quit if( isListening ) { System.err.println( e11 ); } return; } catch( IOException e1 ) { if( isListening ) { System.err.println( new OSCException( OSCException.RECEIVE, e1.toString() )); } } } // while( isListening ) } finally { synchronized( threadSync ) { thread = null; threadSync.notifyAll(); // stopListening() might be waiting } } } public void messageReceived( OSCMessage msg, SocketAddress sender, long time ) { OSCListener listener; synchronized( collListeners ) { for( int i = 0; i < collListeners.size(); i++ ) { listener = (OSCListener) collListeners.get( i ); listener.messageReceived( msg, sender, time ); } } } } }